Aug 21, 2006 17:55
So twas my first day of grad school. I have decided that I am officially crazy. Yep, insane. That is me. I started out with two classes this semester. Then, due to monetary concerns I upped it to three. (Believe me, it would have saved me money in the long run.) Then I was offered an assistantship, which requires 18 semester hours. On a graduate level. Luckily, my department has ways of doing that, so I still ended up with only 3 "real" classes, plus a class to prepare me to teach next year and helping a professor with research. But then I realized there are three classes in the spring that I really want to take, in addition to the three that I need to take. I am not attempting graduate classes in a semester. I'm crazy, not stupid. So I talked to my advisor this evening. One of those three I need to take in the spring has an alternative this semester. So I am now taking 4 "real" graduate level courses, a class to prepare me to teach, and still giving a professor ten hours of my time a week. Plus working at Publix 24 hours a week. Plus trying to fit in a personal trainer at GSU. I is crazy.
Anyways, for those interested, my schedule this semester is:
Church & State
Life of Muhammed
Jesus In & Outside the Gospels
Classical Chinese Philosophy
Teaching Philosophy
In case I do not post for the rest of the semester, I am still alive . . . just buried somewhere under my books. Because I am determined to maintain a 4.0 this semester. But it will be worth it, because this means in the spring, I get to Biblical Studies and Islamic Fundamentalism in addition to the research, a seminar (20th cent. religious thought), and theories of religion. And I really think I am headed down a Christian/Muslim dialogue path. Well, that is the current plan anyways.
Just let me know where the parties are around Christmas/New Years because I will need them.