I havent made a public post for some time-- so I figured I'd go ahead and make this one available to anyone. (Not that anyone really reads this anyways...)
I've been reading/watching a lot of Richard Dawkins lately, and I'm really happy with the information and reinforcement I'm getting out of it. One philosophy I came up with in the past and have talked about a lot (I know I didn't orginally think of the idea-- but it did spawn from my own head long long ago-- it wasn't something I had read about or was told/taught about..) is the theory that everyone does everything for selfish reasons. This is something that from time to time I'd even take up with the atheistic community I was once very active in. Usually when we got onto this conversation I got the impression that half of everyone didn't really agree. However, through reading and watching information put out by Dawkins and a nice philosophical conversation wtih Stephy-- my general attitude about it has totally changed.
Basically now I see it as "everything that everyone does on a base level is for selfish reasons, but the best way to be selfish is to be cooperative and help those who will in turn help you back."
Here is a link to "Nice Guys Finish First"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzeCn02l_Rw -- I hope others get something out of this.
On another not completely unrelated note-- I really wish people would learn to break down their illogical comfort barriers that serve no purpose except to comfort ones self. I wish people would realize how much these barriers limit their thoughts, imaginations, and lives.