I've been working far too many hours to actually update lately, so here goes:
- Hair was cut by a foot. The red dye only managed to mute the blonde streaks.
- In process of calling the artist to see when my hair should be able to take another color application without frying it. Need something more bold, even if it does mean returning every 3-6 months. I called her this past Wednesday, but she was busy and didn't get to call me back. I'll try again this Wednesday -- she is scheduled in different locations, so I'm only trying on the day that I know she's there.
- Between work and uncooperative weather, pictures of the new cut are delayed.
- Work has gone into OMGWTF mode. At 60+ hrs so far this week and I've got more for tomorrow. (Yes, I'm now working through the weekends. Would be nice if I weren't salaried.)
- I'll be back in Brussels around the end of the month. Dates unconfirmed. (YES! More yummy beer, Thumper, and Bambi!)
- Frazzled-ness leads to diving into Final Fantasy Online the moment I can ditch work from my brain. Pressure too great. Need release with stabby-stabby.
- Got some excellent belated holiday gifts from dpg16. I still need to get to a post office to send him one of his gifts from semioticghosts that I brought back from the last Brussels trip. I suck.
- One of these days, I'll finish the VMSC pictures and then on to the Brussels pics. I've gotten some nice feedback on the VMSC pictures, so I may have to go back to more events this year to continue the practice of snapping movement. Need to get some more lenses... and cards... and lots of camera stuff. I even have an idea for putting video to music, but that really must wait.
- My imagination continues to be far too vivid for its own good.
- Currently reading The Devil Wears Prada and remembering far too well the days of Barbizon Modelling in the early 90s.
...and that's about it, I suppose. Ugh. My brain hurts. x.x