Finally. I fixed my firewall so that I could upload things again, but now I'm wondering why it ever worked before. Uhhh. Okie dokie. So, my reasons for being pissed off at my computers are all corrected, but I'm still going to reduce the time I'm on them. It's just better for my sanity.
First shot of the lap-blanket.
Second shot of the lap-blanket, zoomed in to show more of the stitching and the color changes.
[Blanket done in Lion Brand Homespun - I forget the two colors used. If someone wants to know, post a comment and I'll try to find the wrappers.]
Single shot (no, not a "head shot!" teehee) of the hat, being propped up by my CD spool. I really need to get a mannikin head.
[Hat done in two colors of Lily Sugar 'n Cream cotton yarn. I don't have the papers that came with them anymore, but they can probably be found on their site.]
The pictures are set large enough to show some decent detail, so I didn't want to screw up any of the friend's pages by trying to show them here.