Hooray for Virginia. Not.

Aug 17, 2005 13:51

Now that it's being seen on the BBC, I figured I may as well comment for the non-US folks that may read this article and start to wonder:

Cheap laptops provoke Mac mayhem

This is an example of why I hate crowds. People get stupid when in crowds. It only takes a couple of jerks and everyone else gets into panic mode. When this event was first going to be open to all of Virginia, I considered going... until it was hyped too much. At that point, I figured it would be insane. I didn't figure on it becoming this insane, since people knew there'd be a lot of people going to it and crowd control should've been in place. (From reports that I've read from those in attendance, crowd control was botched badly.)

The thing that amazes me the most about all of this is the type of computer that they were all fighting over:
A four-year-old out-of-date laptop that was (ab)used by teenagers in high school, with no guarantee that it really works all that well.

There's already been an ebay sale for tee-shirts about the event. I wouldn't be surprised if some of these people sell the laptops that they fought so hard to get when they find out that it doesn't run Windows.

*sigh* Events like this only encourage my anti-social tendencies.

mac, richmond, news

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