(no subject)

May 20, 2011 22:15

Dear flist, here are some things I feel you ought to know about me:

1. I have had short hair for three days now and I keep reaching back to adjust my ponytail, freaking out and going WHERE IS THE REST OF MY HAIR? and then I remember that I left it on the hairdresser's floor.

2. When I get coffee I tell the person on the register that my name is Stella in the hope that they'll do a Marlon Brando impression when my order's up. No success so far. ):

3. I now have a notebook to write fandom things in when I wake up in the middle of the night, and there are three pages' worth of things that are not fic ideas, and most of them are things about the Silm that even the Silm fandom does not care about, but I think the more pressing of them is why has nobody made a Westeros-themed Texts From Last Night tumblr?

So I took it upon myself to get the meme started:

I THINK YOU MEAN PACK OF FLYING WOLFICORNS ROBB. Based on the ones done so far I think Cersei has the best face for awesome texts and Robb has the best face for reminding you what you did last night that you might not want to remember texts.

fandom: agot, textsfromlastnight, macros!, internet funtiems

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