So... it's been a long, emotional week

Apr 13, 2009 22:34

Lets see, spent the weekend in Nottingham with Matt for the ice hockey playoff finals, was great fun, with the exception I couldn't sleep. I was exhausted and just couldn't sleep. I tried everything, including over the counter sleeping pills. Well, they were meant to last about 8 hours, 5 hours later? I was wide awake. That was the most sleep I got the entire time. But the hockey was fun, I do like ice hockey, and want to make an effort to go more, Coventry isn't a million miles away. We had some nice meals, and sunday (and monday!) night, we decided to go to Hooters for dinner, as it was close to the hotel, for the fun of it, and chicken wings! Lots of chicken wings :D

Came home tuesday to a serious conversation with the parents regarding Max, our elderly labrador. Upshot being we had him put to sleep tuesday evening. It was heartbreaking, and still is because I love(d) him, but it was the best and kindest thing for him. And because we all love him so much, it was the only choice. We all knew it was coming. He'd been in so much pain for so long, struggling to move, whimpering a lot just because it hurt to do anything, it had been worse while I was away for the weekend, and Dad made mum wait until I got back, knowing I could never have forgiven her if he'd been gone when I got home. He was right. I may have wanted to forgive her, but I don't think I could have. But's he's gone.

Weds passed in kind of a blur, Lucy (collie) was lost, and kept looking around for Max, and going and laying in all his spots, just wondering where her buddy was.

Thursday we went to look at new dogs, something we'd been thinking about, because Lucy won't be around for too much longer either we don't think, she's an old lady, and her health's not great, but a lot better than Max's was. We didn't see anything on thursday, but went to Wood Green in Godmanchester on friday, and I found Stevie. Persuaded parents to go and have a better look, and at least hear about him. We took him for a walk and they fell in love. We told them we wanted him, provided Lucy approved, expecting them to do a home visit, then arrange a meeting with Luce, then to come and get him. Nope, because we'd had Lucy and Max from them (best part of 10 years ago) the home visit wasn't necessary, was the next day convenient to bring Lucy in to meet Stevie, and if it all worked out we could take him home with us.

It was convenient, we did, Lucy couldn't have been any better (she was so nervous going back to Wood Green, especially seeing as her lifelong companion had just gone), but she was so good, and she got on ok with Stevie, so he's with us.

He's not the prettiest dog, a proper Heinz 57, but he's so cute and playful and full of character, he's so like Lucy when she was younger. She's putting up with him okay, but he's not neutered yet, and is driving her a little bit crazy, but that'll change in a couple of weeks :)

(Stevie, left, Lucy, right)

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