Eu realmente precisava guardar isso aqui.
Porque ouvir isso, estando na merda como eu estou, foi priceless... foi tudo que eu precisava, de verdade. E só uma amiga de verdade pra perceber e dizer o que eu precisava ouvir. MUITO obrigado, minha fêmea perfeita!
Clarinha reckless life - Love Can Be So Strange diz:
olha... EU vou dar a minha mais sincera opinião sobre vc
~ Nymph ~* NINie´s head is filled with disease. diz:
tenho até medo de ouvir, juro =/
(6) Clarinha reckless life - Love Can Be So Strange diz:
sério... SEMPREEE te achei um puta MULHERÃO... mulher mesmo, sabe? de todos os jeitos.... na forma, na maneira de agir, na maneira de falar
MULHER MESMO... nao menininha besta sabe?
vc sabe ser inteligente, vc SABE SER SEXY (tipo, nunca conheci NENHUMA PESSOA TÃO SEXY QTO VC)... e nao só sexy pq se veste com corpetes e meia arrastão... sexy, pq vc SABE conversar, vc sabe se portar e se comportar
tipo, vc simplesmente HUMILHA as meninas da balada saca?
~ * ~
I really needed to save this here.
Because listening to this, being in deep shit as I am right now, was priceless... it was everything I needed, honestly. And only a true friend could notice it and say what I needed to hear/know. THANK YOU so much, my perfect female!
Clarinha reckless life - Love Can Be So Strange says:
look... I will give you my most sincere opinion about you
~ Nymph ~* NINie´s head is filled with disease. says:
I swear I am afraid to hear it =/
Clarinha reckless life - Love Can Be So Strange says:
Seriously... I´ve always thought you were such a hot woman, really. In every possible way... your looks, the way you act, the way you talk
I´m talking about being a WOMAN, not a idiot little girl, you know?
you know how to be intelligent, you KNOW HOW TO BE SEXY (like, I´ve never met a person as sexy as YOU)... and not sexy only because you wear corsets and fishnets... sexy because you know how to talk, how to behave yourself
like, you simply humiliate all the girls around you, got it?
I honestly see you as a superior being.
And she says *I* am sexy... =)