Bad me.....

Feb 16, 2013 23:00

I've been a terrible friend this past year. I've ignored several people who deserve much better than that and for that I am so sorry!!

Life's been up and down. We're facing massive job losses at work because a) the gov't doesn't want to invest in post-secondary education, and b) the big wigs at my university keep hiring middle and upper management positions. So to deal with budgetary deficits, they've decided to eliminate several 'little guy' positions all over campus. And it's going to continue on until 2016.

I also injured my hip early this winter (unbeknownst to me) and am now limping and hobbling to the chiropractor a lot.

Not a fun feeling all around. I will try to be a better LJ friend this year.

PS - Thank you for the Xmas card, airian. It made me smile!
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