As everyone else has been saying today, please don't repost/cross-post anything from my journal onto Facebook or Twitter, or whatever the heck LJ is letting everyone do now. While I do sometimes link to friends-locked post via Twitter, that's something I do myself, manually, and I like keeping it that way. While most of my Twitter-friends are LJ friends, so I don't care as much what kind of linkage goes on there, I just really don't want any of my LJ crossing over into Facebook-land. I do not want my Facebook and LJ to ever, ever mix. =S
I'm assuming most of the people on my flist are of the same mindset, but just... for the record.
PS: If you don't know what I'm talking about, check out LJ's news post
Quoted with permission from
unbrokensky, because I'm too hot and tired to figure out my own wording when she says it perfectly.