I'm alive!

Apr 02, 2009 21:38

Wow it's been forever since my last post.   HOW IS EVERYONE?

So I went to Wal*Mart today to go quickly in buy Slumdog Millionaire and leave soon after, however that did not happen.  With the knowledge that I was going to get a rather large tax refund compared to last years refund, I decided to cave in and buy Twilight as well.  Thats not it though, I also bought 3 more DVD's so in my hands I had Slumdog Millionaire, Twilight, Australia, Happy Feet, and Millions. Yeah I never went that far with DVD purchasing, however I figured it was alright since I actually haven't bought a DVD since Prince Caspian (How could I say no to the handsom Ben Barnes?)  And I still need to buy Dark Knight,  yes even after hearing Chistian Bale's rant and love for the f word  I still think he's a great actor, maybe he just wasn't having a good day that particualr day, that happens it's not uncommon  (so excited for Terminator Salvation in May!)

Anyways when I got home my cousin got excited about Twilight so we watched the deleted scenes and half the movie which made me remember I wrote a poem related to Twilight like sometime last year and never posted it.  So here it is.. A Bella poem to Edward.  I think this is the first poem I actually finished.

I feel your heart melt into mine

As we let our souls intertwine

This kiss so passionate and true

Is what keeps me away from you

My heart grows older at each fading beat

For I yearn to finally have our lips meet

Don’t let my blood deceive your thirst

Because living without you is much worst

Take me now, and forever hold your peace

For if you should go, I will surly decease

I like creating poems now, do you think I should write more?
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