I. NEED. THIS. *dies*
http://www.gameklip.net/v/2849/ That is freakin' awesome. Are the speculations true? Is that Roxas? (gotta be) Are those the Somebodies of the Nobodies? I mean, I could see Saix as that last guy. Was the powerful guy and his Riku-darkness sidekick who pwn and can open Kingdom Hearts Heartless? Or something else? The only chick Nobodies are Namine and Larxene, and we already know Namine's Somebody. But she didn't seem very Larxene-ish. Nor did the "Saix" seem very similar personality-wise. Just the hair (kinda) and definately the eyes. And the look on "Roxas'" face!!!
I need to do my homework, now.
Stayed up all night working on today's, and didn't even get to do any of it in class. Now I've got a paper to write for practicum tomorrow morning. *cries* It was such a gorgeous day! I want to sleep outside---except all the caterpillars are out now.. There's two every step you take out here.
geh. I need that Naruto marathon next Saturday. I heard Vic plays chibi Iruka, which happened in the ep we missed last week. lol. Yep, just to hear the new voices and to see the beginning of the Akatsuki shtuff.
homeworkhomeworkhomeworkhomework.... you have no idea how apathetic I am right now. Especially after seeing that video...