Feb 27, 2007 20:55
Ok, so a friend of mine, who shall remain nameless(as will everyone else), came up to me today asking for advice. told him that I would get back to him with the advice when I had thought of it. However, now I don't know what to say or do, so I'm asking all of you for your input. So here is his dilema:
He has a crush on this girl, and pretty much everyone knows about it, including her. Now, he thinks that he has been too jumpy about liking girls lately, he thinks he has liked too many girls in too short a period of time. Now, he likes this girl and nothign is coming of it, but he likes her anyway. The only problem is, now he thinks he likes a different girl, but doesn't want to seem really fickle about the girls he likes. So, his problem is this: How does he deal with liking this other girl, he thinks, when he doesn't want to seem desperate or, as I said, fickle.....but still like the girl he wants to like?
I don't know how to help him on this one, so any input would be helpful. thank you for your help in advance.