Jul 14, 2003 09:14
So..I've pretty much abanandoned my religion. I hope such faith and hope, but I have deffinently decided that the leaders dont know what they are doing and/or have any communication with any higher being.
So I left.
Saturday I went to see my bishop, and I mistakenly asked sperm donar to be there. Of course, he shows up in a hostile mood. Which just put the whole damn thing off to a start. Well instead of getting my questions answered about exactly what the church believes, sperm donor thought it would be best to get Christina a lovely little lecture on how she should do what is right and give the baby up for adoption.
Um...Yeah...you read that right...
So pretty much it boiled down to this....
Sperm donor has decided not to be a father to said child, so...Mother should give up her right to be the mother to said child and do what is best for said child by giving it up to a loving family.
In other words....Sperm donor doesnt have the backbone to be a man, and wants mother to give up child, aleviating sperm donor of all responsibility.
All I have to say is fuck you.
Fuck you. And fuck anyone else that thinks that because a man doesnt want to be a father, a mother shouldnt be a mother.
The bishop called me afterwards, and apologized. Which really to me was a load of crap. And promptly explained that, "Perhaps the new bishop would be more feeling".
Those words were the very thing that made me realize....I dont belong there.
So....Im done with that. If I could drink, Id go out have a beer and get laid.