So, hello there people of the internet...
This is not my first LJ account...but I hope it will be the first one that I don't abandon. I'll probably post entries only very rarely and they will probably, eventually, consist of fanart or fanfiction for my various obsessions - I really don't know how often I'll be here, and I really don't know how many people will actually remotely care, but I thought I'd give it a try...
Anyhow, just for now - my obsessions! (Yeah, I overuse exclamation marks...)
Harry Potter (three guess where the subject heading came from, fellow readers!)
Toy Story (yes, I'm too old for it and have been for years...but I love it!)
Sherlock, BBC & Sherlock Holmes, Conan-Doyle (just FANTASTIC!)
Doctor Who (Matt Smith is good, but David Tennant will always be the best!)
You may also find me on fanfiction (another obsession...) as Elvendork.Infinity:
'Tis all, for now, I think...I may post more soon, and hopefully develop something interesting to say in the meantime...