today's successes

Apr 20, 2008 01:33

This week, and the wacky ways in which getting the kittens right before sol3 went away un-balanced home and social time, has left me feeling differing levels of off for the past few days.
Today, the bulk of the day was devoted to the kittens.
I got up, I fed them and played with them a little. Then I took them to the vet, and back home. Then I ran errands which involved going to 4 stores just to get them food*, came home, and played with them until it was dinner time for me.
After dinner I relaxed for a bit, played with the kittens some more, and then got some much needed out of the house for non-kitten socializing with iridium and her friend S.

* Who knew that 2 stores could be out of plain chicken baby food? And that's not even counting the two I went to yesterday!
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