Congratulations! You're a black velvet!
What Drink Are You? brought to you by
Quizilla You have a glow-in-the-dark vagina!
What color is your vagina? (Made for either gender! Results contain pictures) brought to you by
Quizilla You're a... banana.
Which Penis Shaped Object Are You? brought to you by
Quizilla I GET REALLY BORED... O.o Yeah....the vagina one makes me laugh's so - I dunno. I got a kick out of the first one because I didn't understand it because I've always been too straight edge to know what Black Velvet it...unless it's the sewing material...of COURSE I know what that is. But yeah, only recently have I changed from slightly less straight edge than usual due to my outgoing friends. And I'm a god forsaken banana ^o^ psh...whatev nigga, out now...Oh wait...joke from Theo - (Something like this) - It's all like BB king's b-day and like..yeah, his wife goes out and gets a B tattooed on each arse cheek...and so like..well, she goes home and when BB get's home she drops her pants and she says...Like, Look honey! And he's all like..Who is BOB? GET IT? wahaha....I thought it was funny...but then again, I'm stupid and no one cares about yeah..BOB I think it would look like this - (B)o(B)- hahahah GET IT??? AODEjngfajsngfjlzdfgjklnjkln + 80. Peace, yo.