school life again...

Dec 14, 2009 23:35

by my standards, today went pretty well. ^^;

by which I mean I didn't totally screw up. :P Developmental bio was all right. I get the bad feeling I used "blastula" too often and I mispelled something but I'm pretty sure I got a lot correct (without resorting to "enie minie mini mo" at all much). German...not so good. XP I studied the wrong things which is a pretty big problem when you don't have a clue about can barely understand the language medium...ah bother.

For some odd reason the catchphrase: "Do you feel lucky?" popped into my head and my automatic answer is: "Nope. Not really."

and then in animal physio, we opened up a frog to watch it's heart pump, even holding a heated glass rod right next to it to see it's reaction. Naturally it beat a lot faster. It completely spazzed when my classmate accidentally touched the rod to the heart. Talk about heartburn. Literally.

We are so cruel. *hangs head*


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