I've known that I tend not to take things (ie. school) seriously until I get my first shocker...like this first developmental bio quiz...5 items, all essay 5 points each and no they weren't easy...needless to say, I didn't do so well. I studied a little and clearly it wasn't enough.
second shocker would be the threatened graded oral recitation for pol sci on the first three chapters (57 pages total)...didn't push through though she did give us a taste of what to expect...it was moved to tues but she added another chapter ^^;
oh and in animal physio we killed a frog...one per group and there were 6 groups (13/2 = 6) so six dead frogs...would have been more as sir wanted each of us to have experience pithing (sticking a needle into the frog's brain via that gap between the skull and the 1st vertebra and mashing the gray matter so it can't move but is still alive....I'm more a fan of drugging the froggies...) but it was rather impractical...heck we only needed a piece of the liver for a fresh blood sample to do the tonicity test...one frog would probably have been enough...heck..we could have poked a needle into somebody...
Worse note is that I'm still a little scatterbrained when it comes to paying attention in class... you know I forget to listen to stuff like "this is a group thing" and missing important details like "this is not due til the end of november"...idiot...
On a brighter note, I saw my tita Rina last thurs and I'll see tita Weena next friday. I miss my relatives. :D Usually I don't think about such things so much so I don't get so affected but I do miss everyone there in manila. :) it's good to know they're doing okay... recoving from the typhoons that hit recently...was surprised/concerned to learn that coz elise got hospitalized too with dengue like my sister...thankfully it wasn't too serious and they were both released without probs...lolo got ICU'd the moment he got into the hospital...I've never been hospitalized for a disease/sickness at all...longest I've stayed is like 2 days and that was cause I had sugery: my tonsils were removed.