Oct 29, 2008 22:14
So, I'm actually not that shocked. I had a feeling this announcement would come soon, just because he'd been there a while and it obviously has a huge impact on the life of whoever takes the role.
But this is Doctor Who. The show is about change, about this man who can be someone so totally different. I was worried when I first heard of this David Tennant character taking the role, because who could be more awesome than Christopher Eccleston?!
But you know what? He's been brilliant, he's played a fantastic, wonderful Doctor that I have completely adored and yes, I will miss that Doctor. I thank David Tennant for bringing such a wonderful character to the screen. I wish him luck in his future career and I completely look forward to whatever comes next on the show.
And after all, there are still four specials to come! (However, I do reserve the right to cry unashamedly after the final episode. It happened with Nine, Ten will be no different).