Ok. I totally need Torchwood icons.
Where to begin?
Ok, loved geeky!Owen and confident!Tosh. (Hello boobs!) It was nice to see a twist to that story and reaffirms to me that Burn Gorman is a great actor.
I feel so sorry for Rhys, Gwen doesn't deserve him really and this episode made me realise that he's such a cutie!
I don't like Adam. And for God's sake, why does all the crap love interest stuff happen to Tosh?
So Adam is like a self-insertion Mary Sue with his wonderfulness to all?
Jack totally lived on Tatooine. XD (Nods to brookeormian) And Jack was totally unattractive as a kid.
Ianto keeping a diary is totally adorable.
Poor Ianto! He doesn't get an easy break does he? I loved how Jack was determined he didn't do it though. (And evil Ianto is kinda creepy)
Poor Owen with his bad childhood!
Jack being kinda fatherly towards Owen was sweet too. And how he notices Tosh.
Gwen, stop making me dislike you. I want to love you, I do but you make it so hard.
Ianto/Jack forehead kiss was cute.
Yay Ianto! As soon as Jack handed him the diary, I was like 'You know he's read it'.
Hah. I love that they spent ages on that box and Jack does opens it.
Buuut, what about Rhys? Surely he needs a pill otherwise he would be all remembery?
Was anyone else reminded of the Superstar episode of Buffy where Jonathan makes himself uber-cool?