Ahem. Anyway, that Squee was solicited by the preview, onto my thoughts of the episode. Overall, I liked it, I was kept on edge, the baddie freaked me out a bit, though there were bits I disliked. All elaborated on behind the cut.
- Tish. She seemed spunky and I liked the way she went to help.
- I liked Martha more again in this episode, this is the sort of Martha I want to see - thinking usefully and getting stuff done. And she can run in heels. I can't even walk in them!
- Deaf!Doctor
- Doctor of the Opera!
- Old school references with "Reversing the Polarity"
- The whole Catharine Zeta Jones quote
- "Some people live more in 20 years than others do in 80." I may be projecting but I thought of Rose here.
- It might be morbid but I like seeing the Doctor go a bit emo - it's different to the hyperactive mask and I think it's nice to see another side to him now and then.
- (I do quite like the fact that while in this episode Martha seemed to be pushing closer to the Doctor, he was making a point of being alone and having lost people. I haven't quite worked out how I think he sees her yet but it's definitely not romantically.)
- Martha's mother. She's way too pushy and controlling. "Martha needs to focus". Oh shut up.
- Apathetic on Leo, he seemed to be there just to get hurt which was somewhat pointless.
- Tish suddenly going from disliking pervy old man to fancying him as young-looking old man. Right.
- "Harold" Saxon? Nice name.... Seemed a bit tagged onto the end though, like an afterthought.
JACK! "Did someone just kiss me?"
Freaky voiceover again!
Scary sacrecrows! (I think I'll be hiding for those episodes.)
Was it just me or is the Doctor wearing one of the spacesuits from The Satan Pit again - certainly looked very similar.
I really liked that last shot at the end of just the Doctor in the TARDIS. I wonder if that's the first thing Jack sees?
All in all, I liked it, 7/10!