Sooooo bored xD

Sep 04, 2005 13:08

...But hey, what else is new? God I can't wait till school starts on Wednesday. I must be the only person actually WANTING to go back. So yeah. I'm actually supposed to be cleaning my room but I have like NO motivation today. For anything. I couldn't even read more than 50 pages in my library book *panicked look* you know something's wrong when...oh and by the way, found this cool thing yesterday on Blogthings:

You know the biographies of ALL the personnel from the CSI website. [Not quite. Getting there, though.]

You never work (or go out) Thursday nites because you'll miss CSI (although you tape it anyway). [I only started watching CSI last year and didn't know it was even on on Thursdays, except for Spike. This year though, different story...]

You can't sleep knowing that something exciting is going to happen on the next episode. [Duh!]

Your friend asks you about the episode with "the sparkling room thingie," and you don't even have to think about it before informing them they're thinking of Scooba Doobie-Do. [My friends know better than to ask me anything that could set me off =D]

Your puppy is called VEGAS as a compromise, because none of your kids could stop arguing over whether it was gonna be called Grissom, Warrick, Greggo or Nicky...... [o.O I don't have kids. But next cat I get will be named Mia or Greg =D]

You start knocking on walls in hope of finding a dead body between them. [I don't want people thinking I'm crazy(er).]

You walk around with a Mag-lite. [Unfortunately, mum wouldn't let me have one. Damnit.]

You change your lighting to UV lighting, just to see those stains in your carpet. [Once again, plan foiled by my mum. Well, the UV lighting anyway. I don't have a carpet, nor would there be stains in it.]

You dust for prints in your knife drawer. [I just plain dust for prints. It annoys my family ;)]

You wrap your house with yellow crime-scene tape. [My room WILL be wrapped in crime-scene tape. It will, it will! ...if I can find any.]

You wear latex gloves while at home. [Nope, they ran out and mum refused to get more.]

You suddenly study chemistry to understand more about those chemical reactions. [Well of course that's why you study chemistry. But I'd be studying it  anyway, CSI or no.]

You learn Photoshop you can make wallpapers out of the pics you have. [PhotoPlus, actually. And it's more like icons and banners ;)]

You've changed your quote from "Smile at the world, and the world will smile back" to "Concentrate on what cannot lie... The evidence". [My quote was NEVER "Smile at the world, and the world will smile back", but yes, it has been changed to "Concentrate on what cannot lie: the evidence." And any other number of quotes that I like.]

When you were a kid, you wanted to be an astronaut. Now you want to be a CSI. [Actually I wanted to be an astrophysicist. Now I want to be a forensic chemist.]

When you are the leader of a group, you think, "What kind of a leader should I be? Gris Style or Horatio?" [I'm generally Griss. Or Sara, rather, since I'm a girl. And Sara's just plain awesome.]

You stare at Grissom's eyeglasses and Horatio's shades, then search for the exact pair (or at least close to it!) [Nah. I like Sara's or Cath's better.]

You plan on living in Las Vegas or Miami. [Nope. Boston somewhere.]

Your choice of car? The one like Horatio has. [Nooooo way. Hummers = bad. I want a MOTORCYCLE, damnit!]

You have a jacket, with the word "Forencics" written on the back. [Nope, not yet, but I've had my sights set on one for ages

You'd even settle for a shirt with the same word. [Yeah I want one of those too. Scratch out the previous comment about not wanting people to think I'm crazy ;)]

You read HAMLET, cause it was mentioned that HORATIO came from the name of Hamlet's best bud, Horatio. [In Cross-Jurisdictions, didn't he say he was named after an author?]

You got arrested when found crossing the yellow tape. [Nah. Nothing ever happens here.]

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends who are addicted to CSI. [Well, if you read, I've passed it on ;)]

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