School. A big joke.

Sep 23, 2011 22:46

So, this term I'm taking 4 classes, which equal out to 15 credits.  I go two days a week, but I'm there for 9-12 hours (pending on lab days...) for those two days.  Such long days. 
But, it's worth it, kind of.  My first class is beginning painting, which is fun already, then I have Math: Intermediate Algebra, third is Poetry, and my last class of the day is Anatomy & Physiology.  So, it's 50% serious, time consuming classes, and 50% easy going, self motivated classes.  So, I suppose it equals out.

I hate this school, though.  The whole thing is a joke.  The only thing they're good at is charging everyone too much money.  Like, in more than half of the classes I've gone to, I never read the book except to study for the tests.  I took abnormal psychology summer term and I swear, I didn't learn anything new.  In fact, the "lower level" psychology class covered almost every subject in more depth, with better explanations than this class that was supposed to focus on only abnormal psychology.  He required us to write 600+ word journals about every class, which was difficult because I never learned anything new.  So, towards the end of the term, I put in a note at the bottom of my last journal that said, "I realize a lot of my entries are short of the word count by quite a bit.  I find it very hard to write about things that I've already learned, and in most cases the subjects have been covered more than in this class.  I haven't learned anything, and I don't have anything to write about."  I still got an A in that class.  I bullshitted my way through a Writing class by somehow writing a 12 page APA research paper on a subject I didn't know anything about in 2 weeks and got an A.  Sometimes, it seems my procrastination is a skill... almost.

The only good experience in school I've ever had was when I was in New Mexico.  That school was amazing.  Which is strange, since New mexico is one of the poorest states.  I learned so much from all of my classes, everyone I met was awesome, laid back, and open minded.  It was an amazing experience.

But now, I'm going to a school that doesn't challenge me, charges me tons of money, and gives me nothing back in return except an "A" on my transcript.  In a way, it's kind of pointless.  But oh well.  I'm going to stick it through until I get my transfer degree and hope that U of O is way better than this school.  I realize being able to go to school is a privilege, but it's not helping me if I'm not learning anything of use and being challenged.  Especially considering I'm heading into the medical field.

Sigh. Stupid school.


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