
Jan 24, 2017 00:07

I am absolutely horrible at posting here on LJ, but I recently did this thing on tumblr, and I decided I might as well crosspost it here :)

Total 2016 Word Count: 17033 (but I actually wrote two more stories for Pornalot that I have yet to edit and post to AO3, so unfortunately, they aren’t counted here)
Total 2016 Hits: 6859
Other 2016 AO3 Stats:
comment threads: 18
bookmarks: 152
subscriptions (works and user): 47
kudos: 531

Total 2015 Word Count: 6062 (Spent most of the year working on a WIP which is still in progress, so ofc AO3 isn’t counting that one)
Total 2015 Hits: 3694
Other 2015 AO3 Stats:
comment threads: 15
bookmarks: 69
subscriptions(works and user: 46
kudos: 345

Total 2014 Word Count: 22624
Total 2014 Hits: 28273
Other 2014 AO3 Stats:
comment threads: 44
bookmarks: 552
subscriptions(works and user): 60
kudos: 1940

Links and titles to 2016 works:

Favorite Fic: I think it’s a tie between What Kind of Villainy and the untitled Merthur fic I wrote for the 4th round of Pornalot which I actually managed to win!!

What Kind of Villainy was just so freaking fun to write and the words just flowed in a way they hadn’t in a really, really long time. It felt amazing to finally experience that again and remember why it is that I love writing :) I hope to be able to write a sequel one day, but for now, I am still waiting for inspiration to strike.

That I managed to win the 4th round of Pornalot 2016 was also a huge deal for me. Especially because I, due to real life problems, had been unable to participate in the 3rd round and had actually considered dropping out of the fest because those problems took up so much of my brain capacity I was literally unable to focus on anything else. It was an absolute horrible experience, but it only made my win for the 4th round that much sweeter. I haven’t posted it to AO3 yet, because I really want to make a longer version of it, but when I’ll manage that I cannot say as I have so many other fics I also need to write. In the meantime, you can read the entry here, and hopefully enjoy it as much as the people who voted for me :)

Hardest Fic: There are probably a whole bunch of people in the Merlin chat and on livejournal who can attest to how hard it was for me to write Choices and Tourneys because the whining they had to put up with from me was extreme. It was actually an old idea that I twisted to contian mpreg so I could post it for the Merlin mpreg fest. The problem with that was of course that when it’s an old idea, you get attached and want it to turn out a certain way. And then I was not inspired to write on it after all, so I considered dropping out of the fest. and then I was inspired to write on it, so the wonderful mods gave me an extension, but did the struggle stop there? No fucking way. I had so much trouble finding the right tone of the fic, actually focusing on writing etc. that they had to give me extension upon extension and in the end I just wanted to say fuck it!!! But I did finish, even if I’d have liked to extend the sex scene and to have written more of what happens afterwards. I’m still pretty fond of it though.

Do You Plan to Take Prompts in 2017? I’ve toyed around with the idea from time to time, tbh. To accept prompts and write small ficlets with them, but this is one of those instances where I’m not sure I’d be able to do it. I already have so many other unfinished projects that I need to work on, both fic related and real life projects, that I don’t think I can take any prompts in the near future. Unfortunately.

What was the best thing about 2016? Without a doubt participating in @coinelot. I am SOOOO fucking glad that I decided on going!! Orginally, I wasn’t going because I didn’t have a job at the time, and also because I was hesistant about a lot of things like putting myself out there among other merthur fans when I’ve only ever interacted with them over the computer. Along with a whole lot of other reasons to not go. Then, however, the problems I spoke about during Pornalot happened, and I decided to just say fuck it and go!! Best decision ever!!

What was the worst thing about 2016? That I can’t meet a deadline to save my life and that I continue to struggle so much with focusing. (Funny thing is that while I am writing this SAIL byt AWOLNATION is playing on my phone. You know, a song about the struggle with ADD) And well, the fact that I had so much trouble meeting the deadline for Merlin mpreg and had to get extension upon extension really doesn’t bode well for when I am eventually going to get back to school. I know that because I have an official ADHD diagnosis that I qualify for getting help, but I am still so damn scarred from secondary upper education that university sounds awful. In Denmark we have a saying that goes a little like this: “Burned child shies away from the fire,” and it fits me so fucking well. I love going to school and actually learning, but writing essays and reports? You might as well put me in the hospital right away. So guess who’s not going back to school in 2017? I’ll probably wait till 2018 or something like that.

Goals for 2017: My ULTIMATE goal is to finally fucking FINISH my previous After Camlann 2015 fic. I’ve already written, like, 55k words on it, but then Real Life™ happened plus I got massive writer’s block on it. This year, however, I am freaking determinded to finish it!!! (And then start on the inevitable sequel. Oh gawd, what have I done??)

I also have a goal to participate in this year’s Camelot_Remix and hopefully be able to participate in many other lovely fests along the way. But first priority is definitely to finsh my former ACBB fic.

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