Blaming the Blameless

Sep 22, 2009 23:36

or; Look at All the Fingers Pointing

I spent the day with Laura foiling and cutting her hair while she played me lovely music by a band called Devotchka. Reminded me a lot of Gogol Bordello.

We made the hair beautiful. I'll attempt posting pictures of the hair on this very journal later this evening.

This is kind of a cheat post. Like last night, I'm not ready to sit and spend a good deal of time and mind-energy on this lovely contraption. I picked up the first load from the "Tyvola House" (which is how I will refer to the house out by South Park Mall), and the kitties are finally back home with me. I feel like Micah could've been happier in a nice big, beautiful house, however, there's absolutely no way she would've been the center of attention quite as much as she is with Miranda and myself. That cat gets what she wants if she asks for it. Luna was ready to fucking go. The first thing she did was run right into our small half bathroom(or MY bathroom and get ready in the morning space)/kitty bathroom/feeding area), and she booked it, head first into the large bowl of food I had already waiting for them. Luna has issues eating in an uncomfortable situation (much like her paw).

Alright, I'll complete this entry a little later this evening, perhaps even add some pictures of the birthday hair completed this dreary Tuesday in Charlotte on Mrs. Bolin. She just sent me a message telling me that she can't stop looking at her hair cut. I love that feeling. Like I just made the hell out a person day.

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