(no subject)

Nov 04, 2009 10:17

Good morning Senator LeMieux/Senator Aid!

I just wanted to email you about health care. Having experienced it first hand, I can attest that this system is horribly horribly immoral, wasteful, and just plane wrong.

I've had my own fully paid for 4k/year premium plan since I was 20, I've been injured once within this period of time. At work no less. After being left with no other option but to suffer or sue my employers insurance company.
I gave into apathy, and thought my own health insurance would cover it.

I was then denied treatment, because the insurance industry deemed decompression therapy(Doctor recommended) as a "luxury". I don't know if you've ever had a ruptured disc in your spine. But I don't consider being without crippling back pain as a luxury at 23. And in all honesty, I could of paid for the above treatment, and every other doctor visit I've ever made Twice over with what I've paid out in premiums =/
What's wrong with this picture?
Is this the American dream?

I watched the hospitals and the state drain my grandfathers life long savings after he fell ill with Alzheimer's(Through other means) I thank god he was at least on a government insurance plan(ww2 vet, officer), otherwise I have no doubt in my mind he would of lost EVERYTHING
My last tenants weren't so lucky, and did lose EVERYTHING when the private sector husband fell victim to cancer and private insurance companies. They lost their home and life savings. Good thing they had insurance?

I watched my un-insured friends lose everything they own paying Insane premiums on hospital bills that the insurance industries artificially inflate to protect their profit margin and justify screaming "We provide discount pricing!" at the top of their lungs. while butting out competing insurance companies, so joe insured at company B can bleed out on his trip to the other hospital across town.

I have fully insured co-workers that fly to INDIA. INDIA. To get procedures done for 1/5th the cost, using the same equipment/ educated personal as the states.
I won't even get into Canada.

I write complicated medical systems for a living. Our health system is like many software products out there. They were developed on the fly at the whim of men who know NOTHING but how to talk and make sales chasing $$, they demand hack after hack, adjustment, tweak and feature after feature all in the hopes of making a quicker dime, until it's just a giant mess of spaghetti code, that at the very least, functions. See Windows Vista.

What was the solution to vista?
They wiped out the guts(insurance companies), and re-wrote everything from the ground up(See every other industrialized nation). As efficiently as possible, while keeping the same basic infrastructure and interactive layer.(our doctors, hospitals, ect) And they only did this because Linux(public option) and Apple(competition) where kicking their ass.
Competition is good in this sense, because there is an actual product that is being developed.
This is where the free market works.
What do insurance companies compete against each other with? Who charges the least? Who denies the lease amount of people care? Seriously. What do they offer? Paper work? Doctors are more then capable of handling that themselves.
See - http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/2211907/posts

We know what needs to be done in this country. We've seen it in every other industrialized nation in the world. We are even implementing it Iraq for their citizens. Why do they deserve better then us?

62% Of all Bankruptcies in this nation are due to the health costs.
80% Of All of those are due to Insurance companies fucking the people you are in a position to protect.
Citation - http://www.nchc.org/facts/cost.shtml

If a society is measured by their worst off. if a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link.
Then how fragile are we?

I am by no means a bleeding heart liberal, but unlike most conservatives I'm not disillusioned into my freedom because of a firearm and a bible placed under my pillow.

Goverment and or profit margins should have absolutely no weight in who does and does not get any form of medical treatment for a citizen of this nation. Is it that hard to verify someones social security number? Treat them and deport if they're illegal, or check if their social # belongs to Joe-who-died-last-year?

I'll even write the software for it. It's not that hard to cross check a numeric value for authenticity against a few national/state databases. A National effort of about 50 key people would be needed to set a national standard. Or just ask google to do it. They could set it up in a few months. If not days. With the bulk of the time spent on pure data mitigation.

This is just common sense to me, and to a far vaster majority of the population then the GOP seems to realize. See last election results.

Your constituent,
-Dustin Murano

Ps. My Fox news/glen beck/marijuana loving parents found at LEAST 50 million dollars per year for the state of FL. =)

Not to mention the money we waste and lost production value of millions of our ciztens as we blow through 20 billion a year putting our friends, family and neighbors in prison.

My cousin was locked up for possession before he was 18. (Statistically speaking, he would still be in prison if he were black, or didn't have a family with the means to take out 1/4 million to preserve his chance at a life)

What part of freedom includes having a governing body telling it's citizens who can put what in their body? Unless it turns them into a violent raging danger to society/themselves. See liquor/drunk driving. Wait, what?
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