Old Bridge New Jersey

Aug 31, 2012 08:56

Three bodies and counting courtesy of the NRA. The NRA's gun toting campaigns reinforces and perpetrates the idea that everybody is a threat so there is nothing wrong in killing anybody. This mentality that underpins United States’ psyche isn’t seen much in western civilization any more. Most cultures seem to be growing out of the need make a point by killing. It is still prevalent in the Middle East, so are we any better than those we sit in judgment of?

Have you noticed that with every public gunning the NRA lackeys immediately state that the situation is isolated and no cause for reconsideration of gun laws by implying the person would have killed the people anyways maybe with a knife or something else?

NRA only speaks out with hollow and empty condolences after the bodies are on the floor but continues vehemently supports the rights of anybody to pull a trigger before the fact. The loss of life and loved ones is of no concern to the members of the NRA.

It is a really messed up when a society values Glocks over family.
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