Open Letter to Target

Jul 30, 2010 21:02

Greg Steinhafe
CEO Target Cor

I have been a Target customer for as long as I can remember. Even when it wasn't cool I shopped at Target.

No longer. As a gay person, I cannot support your company because you fund candidates that support anti-gay policies including physical harm to gays. You may say it nothing more than supporting good business however, as a business; you have an obligation to support moral equality and fairness. Otherwise, the support you purport to give to equality is meaningless - a hollow marketing ploy without substance: "We only care about your money - not you as a customer". If what we do hurts you, too bad.

Moreover, how can you say you support business while turning a blind eye to the division and harm you can cause to the greater community. Would you in the name of good business support a candidate that will allow massive ecological destruction? Or how about legalizing child slave labor? Wouldn't these policies be good for business? Or is it just gays that can be sacrificed in the name of good business? What moral lines does Target draw in the name of good business?

It was bad enough you support the Salvation Army and their anti-gay policies that turned gays into the streets to fend for themselves in time of dire need such as fire or flood. Nevertheless, to support a candidate for governor with a mission to eliminate basic rights for gays is too much.

I will not feel so hesitant the next time I need stop into a Wal-Mart instead of driving the ten extra blocks to Target. You are both now playing in the dirt on equal footling.

A very sad former customer,


target, political support, anti gay, gay rigths

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