Nov 12, 2005 00:02
Holy Crap...ok, so it is official. The Discovery Health by far my favorite television channel. Every time I turn it on I am like NO FREAKING WAY...and talking to myself I'm so enthrawled with what I'm watching. First there was the Boy Whose Skin Fell Off, and now...oh my goodness. Now I'm watching The Woman with Half a Body. Um...ok...Literally, this lady looks like a completely normal person, only she stops at the bottom of her rib cage. So as I'm sitting here going HOLY CRAP! HOW DOES THAT WORK?! she basically explains it as if you took a barbie doll and took off the legs...that's what she has i.e. she has all her girlie parts. And ok ok, I know this is horrible and most likely perverted of me but I'm like...alright...get naked, because...I don't understand how this works. So I'm just watching this with my hand over my mouth in absolute awe...and then the kicker...she gets pregnant and has a totally healthy little boy. It was terrible too because none of the doctors would take her seriously, they all told her to abort, so mad respect to her for the dedication it took to have that child. Holy crap monkies...dag yo. Plus, her mom died of cancer shortly after her child was born and her dad has dementia/alzheimer's and her brother is mentally retarded and even though he is 29, he has the mentality of an 8 year old. And she takes care of all these people. She is just incredible.
I love it...she rocks.
Mermaid Baby comes on Friday and Half ton man comes on know I'm all over that shiat.