May 19, 2009 21:51
Been thinking a lot about my finances lately.
I've planned for some time about the fact thta I;d be incurring additional expenses when I started driving. I was hoping the fact that I wouldn't have to pay for a buss pass anymore would help to offset that, and that these driving classes would bring the cost of insurance to something manageable, but...
Tara's been hinting pretty strongly that she wants to move. Can't say I'm surprised, but now I've to take that into consideration. In specific, the cost of a different lease.
As much trouble as living with two other rent paying bodies is, it DOES make things cheaper month to month. Conservative estimates for a new place would guerrentee that, even with a single roommate and me sharing the cost of phone/internet, I'd probably be paying $100 more a month.
So, all things considered, I'd need to expect to spend $200 more a month on living expenses.
To get used ot the idea, I've been attempting to cut back on unecessary spending. Eating out less, going to less magic tournaments, little things like that. Or pray that I get a few more hours a month tossed to me at work.
Problem is, while I expect that I will start getting full time hours, likely it's going to start happening when Mona starts her Maternity leave.
However, time can only help me, at this point. Apartment prices are going down, thank god, but slowly, and will continue to drop I am confident. As well, WHEN Mona goes on Maternity, that will guerrentee me a couple more shifts a week. Then, my options open like a blooming flower.
Not that I dont have said options now. I could get anoher part time job, I could look for a full time job. But, I like my workload as it is. I like leading a stress free life.
Ah well. When things are said and done, I have my safety net still, all my "oh shit" solutions in place. I know that, right now, I am secure. It simply isn;t in me to not think ahead, if only just a little.