May 27, 2006 00:51
If you would like me to continue posting entries, please reply. I keep a separate journal, so I really don't see the point in continuing this journal if no one is reading it. If you don't have a livejournal account, it's still possible to reply. Thanks.
I don't have anything exciting to share. School is over now. I did alright. I still don't have a job. If I don't move fast I'll be unemployed for the rest of the summer. I haven't talked to anyone or been out of the house in about a month; or so it seems. I've lost track of time. I walked passed the calender that's hanging on my wall yesterday and noticed that it was still on March. 3 main things have been occupying my time: Halo 2 on Legendary, Sex and the City Season 4, Bleach and Naruto Manga, and the "Hot new puzzle craze" Sudoku. Halo was always there for me when I needed to get out some frustration, but on Legendary mode I just get my ass handed to me. SATC was entertaining at first, but it's getting repetitive. With a margarita though, it still makes me laugh. Excessively I might add. And by myself. But I've discovered a new word that makes me smile ever time I say it. FPOON! Hahahahha.