I'm feeling better now that school is back in session. Summer in many ways has become a time of too much idleness (it's not like summer homework keeps me busy) and that leaves too much time for thinking of things. I will admit to being somewhat lazy, but that doesn't mean I shirk being busy. ^^
Went back to work at Kawamura Sushi. I enjoy it a lot, it's a good place to interact with people and Taka-san always lifts my mood. I envy him, though, knowing with so much certainty what he wishes to do and pursuing that with everything. Much the same way I envy Tezuka. I want that something, I want to finally have a goal and a focus and a challenge.
But I am having fun with my videocamera. Tezuka knew the way to get me interested in something. (His dad took some rather cute footage of him and Kunihiko playing in the yard. Kunihiko seems to like the koi, just like his aniki.) I've given thought to joining the school news club - not in lieu of tennis, but as sort of an adjunct. I'll bet I could get some good video for the school website...