Aug 09, 2008 10:26
my tests went fast and easy although med people continue to be amazed that some i have Never had before...this is your first chest x-ray? this is your first urine test? uhmm-yeah.
it particularly amused me when the nurse was asking me the routine background questions, one of which was, have you ever had trouble urinating? (not until someone had me try to go into a dinky little cup...)no i havent.
seriously i was afraid i would spill, especially on my clothes...yess i filled the stupid cup.
so i had the ekg, chest x-ray, and the blood work...they drew 3 vials this time, instead of one.
my physical exam went okay, but we got to skip the er...lower region probing and breast exam. just heart-beat, pulse, reflexes, and heboglobin count. i am officially no longer anemic, my count was 12.4, however my other tests show that my "reserve" is still low, so i need to keep taking provera and iron pills. everything pretty much checked out okay although my blood sugar and blood pressure are both slightly elevated. whatever...
the doctor asked me how i was and answered her own question. so how are you? as well as can be expected i suppose, i just nodded in agreement. this isnt entirely true i'm still waffling between depression and rage, which i havent told her, but it would have been cruel to let loose on this woman, i dont think she could handle one of my rants. i especially dont think she could handle my opinion on menopuase treatments or my conviction that my best bet is to die on the operating table. (i doubt that i'm going to-i'm just saying that of my options really it would be the easiest.) she has a reputation as being one of the nicest and caring doctors, and is very popular. she is very sympathetic and caring, i'm very much afraid that with my personality i could annihilate this woman without even meaning or wanting to. i know she must be a strong person to be a doctor, but i believe she utilises her sensiitivy as opposed to supressing it. she at one point reassured me that endometrial cancer is one of the most curable there is and that she was certain i was going to be okay. this was nice but really i wasnt feeling at all anxious about anything that day, in fact i had such control over my emotions that they were completely locked down so i was having a light airy day really.
later, i asked her some questions i had about the colon cleansing i have to inflict on myself thursday. a week prior to surgery, i have to give up vitamins, and herbal remedies, as well as motrin ibuprofin and aspirin. as vitamins and iron pills have been a major part of my treatment program i wasnt sure what to do, i also wasnt sure i needed any more provera since i had had my last pills that day. so i showed her my sheet on the colon cleanse and the stuff i got for it. she hadnt realised i have to drink two 10-ounce bottles of the stuff at 2 in the afternoon, thursday. she sympathised and said at one time she had had to take almost a half a gallon of the stuff, she said she cried...(okay i know she was relating to me as a patient, but i dont think this woman realises that telling your patient, for a second time, that she cried during a process that the patient herself is about to endure, isnt exactly reassuring. luckily for myself and her, i'm so much of a smart-ass that i find it amusing.) she said avoid tasting the stuff and drink it with water and its best to take doses of it about 15 minutes apart. a friend told me the cherry flavor tastes best, unfortunately i just grabbed what was available and it was lemon. anyway skipping all the vitamins herbs and aspirin is to reduce excessive bleeding during surgery. as for the provera and iron, she told me to keep on taking them, since they would only continue to help me. so i had to get another prescription to provera.
then as we were getting done, she told me that the day i'm having surgery is the day she is also performing a serious operation on another patient, but that she was going to go to church and pray for that patient and for me, and that i was to call her and keep in touch, and that of course my other doctor would keep her informed as well. that was nice and caring of her, but again, the smart-assed part of me was amused,(gads is it really That Bad? i'm going to die arent i? you think the cancer has spread dont you? oh my... ) you see i am aware that i am deliberately looking at the worst outcomes of all this-but i have to, just because thats the way i am. i am also fully aware that this cancer is easily cured with little reoccurence, and i am aware that hysterectomys are also routine procedures and that all females eventually endure menopause, and that it is quite manageable, and that their quality of life doesnt usually get worse because of a hysterectomy with surgically induced instant menopause...but really to know this, to be told all this, and than having the same doctor who also confirmed all this, say that she is going to pray for you, heh tell me it isnt slightly amusing...
dr. lauer-silva is like a stuffed toy and i'm a tank, but its nice that she cares, i'm just not certain why she does, ive only seen her, gads, a handful of times, and her caring seems almost more than one should expect in todays world. but okay. :)