Jan 23, 2007 02:07

Progress at last! I had an appointment to meet Dr. Peter Hoffman of Adelaide Proteomics Centre last week [in hopes that he would hire me!] and I found out that there were no vacancies at the moment but I asked to join them for work experience [internship-like thingy ^^]. He told me he'll get back to me this week... and he did! Peter rang this morning and asked when I can start ^_^ *bounce* I'll be starting this wednesday. He wants to see how I perform in his lab and with his team before actually deciding to hire me [when theres a vacancy].

*nervous* I better do well. OMG I've not done much MS or any DIGE before >.< *panics*


Anyway, today while waiting for the bus to get to work, a group of guys who were waiting at the bus stop opposite from where I was started shouting racist remarks. Its a first for me... after a year+ in Australia. Like seriously shouting at the top of their lungs coz we were seperated by the main road which was busy and noisy -.- Very substandard remarks anyway... you'd think they'd come up with more interesting ones after so long. They look like the kind who spend their days bumming around smoking and drinking *shrugs* Oh well. I really wish I had my bf's knives with me... But then again, it WAS a busy road ^^;;; OOOH an axe would be good too! I want one of those huge dwarvish axes XDDD Or throwing axes ♥

PocketLin~ Pygmy Proteomics Unicorn~ says:
damn i wish i had like a huge ass axe.
DMJ says:
or a bazooka
DMJ says:
shotgun then?
DMJ says:
blow off a limb
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