I had the pleasure of fielding questions from a young interviewer a few weeks ago and was pleased to see it
posted online. Thanks go out to ReadingJunky and her awesome students.
Also, super special thanks go out to all the great people who have made book launch day super special. Whether it was on Facebook, Twitter, your blog or wherever, it's been mega awesome to see the excitement whipping up. Writing is such a solitary thing so having such great online support is... supportive! You guys rock!
Now for the moment many of you have been waiting for: our first daily winner in the
Renee Combs, you have your choice of a signed hardcover or CD audiobook of Love Manifesto. I'll message you to find out what you want and where to send it!
Keep Facebooking and Twittering about the contest. I'll be drawing another name each day this week! and if you haven't submitted your haiku yet, what are you waiting for???