A broken silhouette

Aug 15, 2017 15:34

Citizen Sketcher: Broken silhouettes in the park
  • With the medium wash, establish as much information and silhouette as possible, including wet-in-wet work for to inform values early. For foliage and fur, establish directionality. (I am so. shit. at foliage. STILL. And need to practice more. Do quick studies!)
  • Remember: this is about silhouette, brushwork, and "exciting watercolor effects," not rendering. Simplification is necessary. If you're doing something in under an hour, assume you won't have any time to render fine textures: watercolor effects will have to do that for you.
  • Use the darks subtractively.
I like that he explicitly comments about moving novices away from "tinting a drawing." Oops; guilty as charged.

Be daringly decisive! Remember, Sargent didn't give a shit about watercolor purism, and used white gouache for his lights so he could paint as unpreciously as possible...

about that art thing, art: watercolor

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