Twins meet twins

Jul 26, 2004 17:56

[This was based on an RP that was conducted on ICQ with the mun of valley_lord. The Elrond and Elros featured in it are the theatrical_muse versions of them.]

'Tis a quiet evening in Rivendell when even the master of the house has time to settle into his comfortable chair and read quietly... until he feels a slight tugging on his hair. Turning to see what has caught his tresses, Elrond finds himself facing a young, dark-haired elfling.

As the boy-child looks at him with wide blue eyes a not-quite-heard word makes Elrond turn again to find that another child was there as well, one with the same dark hair, the same blue eyes, the same face all together as the first.

Frowning slightly, puzzled as he did not recall any twin elflings current living in Imladris, Elrond found himself frowning. "What is up here?" He asks, looking between the two boys. One of the children murmers something incomprehencible, probably in that language phenomenon known as twinspeak, while the other ducks behind his chair, hiding.

"And who may you two be?" Elrond inquires only to have the bolder of the pair tilt his head to the side and say something that still remains impossible to decipher, the shy one slowly coming back into the open.

Annoyance takes ahold of Elrond as he wonders why they cannot speak proper sindarin, thinking on the laxity of parents who cannot give the time to instruct them to speak correctly instead of twinspeak. His irritation must have become evident on his face for both elflings start to back away from him. Elrond, not wanting them to get away, quickly grabs them, asking them in a slightly harsh tone; "Can you not speak?"

The shyer twin's face comes over in a mask of fear and braver twin screws up his faces and struggles out with a clear exclamtion; "Don't hurt 'Rin!"

Elrond sits on the floor, making himself less intimidating to the young ones and gently stroke's Rin's cheek, encoraging him to calm down and also showing his brother he means no harm. As the children settle down Rin looks at Elrond in growing curiousity, murmering in clearer speech than his brother has displayed; "Look like Ada." and taps Elrond's chest lightly, indicating he refers to the peredhel.

"Who is your ada?" Elronds asks.

"Dior." The boy answers, with nods of confirmation from his brother.

"Dior? That would mean you must be of my family then, but you are too young..." Elrond's thoughts run in confused circles, he recalls the stories of his mother's twin brothers but these two could hardly be them, Elured and Elurin had died due to the Second Kinslaying - left for wolves by Celegorm.

"Was in woods, then woods changed. Couldn't find home, bright one found us." Rin says, just as the other asks "You know Wing?"

Elrond looks to Rin, knowing his comment is a clue. "Bright One? Do you mean Varda?"

Rin frowns slightly, "Err... think so..." looking at his twin he recieves a nod of confirmation.

"And she could not return you?" Elrond says, "Because if you are talking about Dior and Elwing, you must have gotten lost in time."

Rin - a name Elrond now guesses to be short for Elurin - looks at him, puzzled by his words as the other, who must be Elured, exclaims; "You do know Wing! Baby sister!" Nodding happily now.

"Elwing was my naneth." Elrond confirms.

Elured looks at him somewhat puzzled. "Wing grew up?" he asks.

"Yes, she did." Elrond answers, "and she had babies herself."

Elurin makes a comment to Elured in twinspeak before turning to Elrond, "You hers?" he asks. Elrond nods and Elurin gives him a smile, wraps thin arms around his neck and hugs him. Elured looks on in surprise for a moment and then follows Elurin's example, also hugging Elrond.

Elrond, still a little disbeliving that a pair of elflings who could be no more than sixteen could be his time-displaced uncles but feels a growing need to protect the twins. It feels surprisingly good when Elurin comments; "You like Ada, miss Ada." and snuggles close to him. Elrond can't help draw the boy - and his twin - closer, smiling happily as Elured drops off to sleep in his arm.

Elurin, not quite as lethargic as his sibling, looks over Elrond's shoulder, wide-eyed, points and asks; "Twin?" Just as a hand comes to rest on Elrond's shoulder.

Glancing up at Elros, Elrond says; "Yes, mine."

Leaning down, eyes on the pair in Elrond's arms, Elros asks; "And who may these two be?"

"You would not believe me if I told you." Elrond replies.

"I won't know how well I will believe you until you do." Elros points out.

With a grin, Elrond says; "Elros, meet our uncles." the smirk widening at the surprise on Elros' face. "They are cute." He comments.

"They are..." Elros all but whispers, still a bit bewildered. "They remind me of Vardamir..."

Noticing Elurin is awake and watching them with half-closed eyes, Elrond asks him; "Would you like to go to Elros?" Elurin nods and Elros moves to take him, even more reminded of his own children and holds the young boy close, smiling. Elrond looks at the Elured who is asleep in his arms. "I think they are tired."

Elros, looking at Elurin in his arms, agrees; "That they are. Maybe we should find them a bed."

Nodding, Elrond shifts Elured so he may carry him, gets up and leads the way to a room that once belonged to his own sons when they were young. Elros follows with Elurin and they gently lay the pair on the bed. Elros pulls up the blankets over them, stroking the hair of the nearest twin briefly before he and Elrond leave them to their sleep.

On their ages, if 20 for a human = 50 for and elf the twins, at 16, are the equivilent of 6.4 year old humans.
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