Apr 27, 2009 03:07
I was doing the all night Huddle House run I usually do the night before a big test when I was suddenly interupted by extreme nonsensicality. I had gotten there just before a shift change at 11 p.m. I was only about halfway through with my first cup of coffee when my waitress came over and let me know she woud be leaving (as she filled my cup). I asked if she needed me to close out my ticket. She said that the next waitress could would handle that. I didn't want to leave her empty handed, though, so I gave her the couple of loose bills I had in my pocket.
The new waitress was not very attentive. In fact, the first time she really said anything to me was about an hour later when she wanted to know if I could close out my ticket. She was obvioiusly aggravated that I was just camping. What she was unaware of is how much I tend to tip on these little excursions. I told her closing out my ticket would be fine (even though I knew that it was completely unnecessary), but asked if she would mind getting me some coffee as well. "I'll have to charge you for it" she says. WHAT?!!!!!! She then goes on to explain that there's a limit on refills to which I ask if that limit is in fact one since this is all I've had. She mutters something about my having more than one, but she'll get this next refill anyway.
For those of you out there that don't know this already, I tend to have a "need" to prove a point. Unfortunetly tonight I had to get some studying done, and therefore had to get out of that hostile atmosphere. I would have much rathered tipped her $13.00 and had a good night than to have to only leave her the $0.13 change in order to treat her the way she acted like she expected me to.