More Lorwyn

Oct 14, 2007 22:36

I thought I'd go ahead and add a few of my thoughts on how the tounrament went, as well as the set itself. First of all, for the most part, the deck played well. However, not surprisingly, it wasn't perfect. For one thing, I should have switched out the Incremental Growth spell for Lowland Oaf, because flyers were a definite problem for this deck. That also would have partially solved my other problem.

The other problem had to do with the way Boggarts are designed to play. They're basically supposed to be part of a never ending circle of death. You play them, they die and often do stuff in the process, they get pulled out of your graveyard, and then it all start over. Unfortunately, while I had good cards for steps one and three, I didn't really get anything for step two. I had no way and no reason to sacrifice any of my boggarts. Not even a Tar Pitcher.

Other than those two things, the deck was pretty decent for a 40 card tricolor deck. Sadly, I didn't do well enough to place, though. And man I would have loved that $60 store credit if I had got first. In the first round of the tournament I lost rather badly. The deck simply didn't want to work, which had me rather worried for future games. In the second round I tied 1-1 only because my opponent got horribly mana screwed on the first game. Actually, I might have done better in the seond game if I had played a couple things differently, but I wasn't paying close enough attention and screwed up.

Then things turned around and my deck remmebered how it was supposed to function. And I remembered to pay attention. In the third round I brutalized my opponent. Both games my deck worked perfectly. His deck didn't work at all the first game, but in the second game it worked well and I actually had a fight on my hands briefly. I also learned that Tar Pitcher can sacrifice itself and still deal the 2 damage.

The fourth and final round was another victory for me. In the first game my opponent got screwed on the one color he needed to play the spells he actually drew. But in the second game his deck worked well and I had a lot of fun trying to figure out how to beat him. I eventually succeeded in killing him (barely) and I got to use my Heat Shimmer in a rather ammusing way. This guy had a Tar Pitcher, which I had no desire to have killing any of my boggarts. So I heat shimmered the tar Pitcher and sacrificed the token Pitcher to kill the real Tar Pitcher. Then I hit him for four damage for having the audacity to try to use a Tar Pitcher on me.

Overall, I'd say this set is at least as fun as it first appeared. And the setting is gorgeous. Even the swamps are pretty. And it's in perpetual midsummer. If it wasn't for the boggarts, and (evil) arrogant elves, and annoying as hell faeries I'd love to live there. Now I just need to get a fat pack, a kithkin deck, an elemental deck, and possibly a merrow deck. Too bad Magic players get horribly screwed on both price and availability here in Moses Lake.

Oh, one more thing. I was looking through Merlyn's selection of single Magic cards when I ran across this beautiful thing. Boy did that make deciding what to buy hard. On the one hand, i could finally have a sliver queen. On the other, I was there to get as many Lorwyn cards as I could manage. The Lorwyn cards eventually won out, but boy was that a tough decision.

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