Dec 17, 2006 21:28

Today was so much fun!
First off, having Wes and Gabby here is awesome. We're the only people in my apartment at school and its such an awesome time!
We woke up really early today, got Bergen Bagels(Wes made a disgusting concoction of bacon, egg, ketchup, and dill cream cream on a bagel) and then walked across the Brooklyn Bridge. It was great!
After the Bridge we went to C3Manhattan and they were having their Living Nativity Service and it was absolutely stunning. Mikey was there and spazzed when he saw me. It was adorable, I didnt even think he knew my name!
Apparently theres a C3 connect group on campus, I thought that it ended when Lauren and Jonathan graduated last year. So Im happy, Im gonna make some new friends!
After church we went to Central Park and walked around for hours, it was fabulous.
I scaled an archway, on the interior, Im spiderman and I hate fucking spiders. Im am BADASS.

After Central Park we headed down to WTC/Ground Zero, on the subway ride some guy started talking to us alot and like hitting on all of us. He touched Wes' leg. It was weird.
Ground Zero was touching as usual, and then anger filled all three of us, violently.
There were two guys walking around selling these pathetic excuses for photo albums for $10 a pop of the WTC and pictures of 9-11.
At the WTC site there are signs posted every 50ft saying that selling of merchandise is prohibited within 50 feet of the site, you cant hand stuff out etc. Not only were they not allowed to sell them, but it was just INCREDIBLY disrespectful and distgusting. Here these guys are, making money off of peoples pain. Thats ridiculous. They barely speak english. And theyre nasty.
We told 3 cops in the area, pointed there faces out and then went up to the guys selling ourselves and told them they were distgusting. It made me sick to my stomach to see these men selling peoples pain.
Pathetic jerks.
Got some christmas shopping done. Century 21 is my new favorite store.

Now we're sitting around watching TV. Its great.
Back home tomorrow!

central park, gabby, wes, c3m, century21, wtc

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