
Apr 07, 2009 09:39

Maybe I'm a little too paranoid, but something about this stolen plane from Canada rings bells in my head that the mainstream media is ignoring.

The guy who stole the plane claims that it was a suicide attempt. He was hoping that American fighter jets would shoot him down, because he was too afraid to do the job himself.

Near the end of the article we learn that his real name is Yavuz Berke, and he is from Turkey originally, but became a Canadian citizen just last year and changed his name to Adam Dylan Leon.

Am I crazy to wonder if this guy is some sort of sleeper agent of Al Qaeda or Hezbollah or the PKK, who is doing a test flight to see if it's possible to fly a small plane from Canada into the heart of the US without getting shot down? What if the plane contained a dirty bomb, or biological agents?

If I were the RCMP and the FBI, I'd want to be investigating everyone he hangs out with to see if there's any possible terror connection.

Oh, that's right. Now that our president is frantically apologizing to everyone in the world for our insensitivity and cowboy diplomacy of the past eight years, no one will be interested in attacking us any more.
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