Sep 09, 2004 23:51
Well today was just Peachy, Got home and got ready to goto the Hospital to see Gran and we get a phone call. It was Gran who had harranged a nurse to allow her to phone home. She is now majorly confused and convinced the nurses are bullying her and that shes on a death list. This is all untrue as she also believes shes in a hotel and all the nurses are doing is telling her not to pull her drip out and not to try to get random people to take her back to ours.
So when we visited she was in a right state, determined to go home and wondering why no one visited her (though we have in both allowable visiting times on all days). So she throws a wobbler at my mum which sets my dad's angina off. So Heartlands gets two members of my family for the price of one for 4 hours.
Its so stressfull for both my Mum and myself atm, with the constant travelling from Sol to Heartlands and back, mixed with the other housework etc. I think Mum needs to get away from it all for a while. Maybe its time for me to move out.....