Recently I've had quite a few asks on tumblr and messages over here at my livejournal requesting the completed versions of meshes I started and previewed months ago. I always say I'll get to them, and I never do. That's just not fair to you guys. I feel bad about it.
I think it has something to do with the intended age group of the meshes, I'm not going to lie. I mean, while I will create (and have created!) the occasional adult mesh, I have to be honest with myself creating clothing for adults is just not my most favourite thing in the world. Too much material for things to mess up.
Plain and simple, I started with kiddie clothing and I intend to stick with I'm kinda horrible at making adult meshes anyways...seriously, they get pretty borked up you guys.
So anyways, I've decided to compile a list of my previous projects that I will not be completing, along with download links for anyone who might want to take a crack at finishing/fixing them. Also since some of these flaws aren't that bad (like a missing fat morph), some downloaders might just like to take them the way they are.
It's up to you really =3
I'm really sorry for not finishing these you guys! Hope you can forgive me.
(OH, and if you do end up finishing/fixing one of these meshes, please, please, PLEASE let me know so that I can mark it off as done. Also so I can promote your work =D)
Warning: These files might be a bit messy...
Odd discoloration on right thigh and pelvis
Slight Clipping Under the Arms
No Morphs
DOWNLOAD Problems:
Shoe discoloration (UV mapping error)
No Morphs
DOWNLOAD Problems:
Huge split in the waist when sim preforms an action (bone assignments issue)
No Morphs
DOWNLOAD Problems:
No Morphs
DOWNLOAD Problems:
So many UV mapping problems I can't even begin to describe
No Morphs
(This one might be a lost cause)