Mary and I caught a showing of The Dark Knight today, and I really don't know what to say about it. It has its pros and cons I guess so maybe I'll just break it down that way.
Ledger's "Joker". His performance will earn him at least an academy nomination, I cannot say a win. His take is very extreme and less funny then Nicholson's. You could believe there was a real maniac like this out there.
Storyline is great. The Joker starts an escalation war against the public, Gordan, Dent, and Batman. Other people dressing as Batman with guns are apprehended as well. The bank heist in the beginning was a great start.
Action movie of the summer. It's loaded with explosions, chases, fights and critical situations. As a man I believe this is where I grunt and bang my chest. Rrraaa Rrraahh!!
Bat Bike. Very cool and interesting on how it comes on the screen. Few neat effects with it. Looking forward to another Batmobile.
New Bat suit. Nice upgrade from the first suit and the introduction of integrated technology in the suit.
Too long. I hate thinking about standing while there are still 45 minutes of the movie left.
The Joker doesn't have an acid flower or any chemical warfare. I thought they might have tied Scarecrow to the Joker somehow with that.
The mansion isn't rebuilt yet. No bat cave.
Harvey Dent while as "Two-Face" looked to much like a stripped T-101 Terminator, or The Mummy w/ B. Fraiser. I was also disappointed about how Harvey is scarred on that side of his face.
The actress they got to replace Katie Holmes wasn't anything special. She was older looking and Mary said she had this look on her face like this..
Batman Begins: 5 for 5 stars
The Dark Knight: 4 for 5 stars
Sequels are always disappointing but they held it well. Ledger is on a level of his own with this take on The Joker. With the power of the sequel however they are breaking records. Ladies and gentlemen, we have secured a trilogy. We shall all hope remaining cast stays together.