decadence a madchoue

May 03, 2005 17:00

While confined to bed I read a biography of Sir Edmund Backhouse, emminent huckster. He's a fascinating fellow. I learned a new word, too. OMNIFUTUENT, used in regard to Sir Backhouse's imagination. Apparently his own memoirs were cracked-out-grandiose, pornographic to the superlative, and utterly fallacious. I am feeling very ambivalent about not knowing someone I can describe in casual conversation as OMNIFUTUENT. I mean, I'm glad I don't know such a character, but I would so like to use the word in conversation without making it sound like I'm the pervert. You know what else is a pity? Me not having some sort of title and allowance so I can flit about like the flake that I am, only in a more distinguished manner. I mean, I suppose I could just give myself one and start collecting disability or something, but it just wouldn't be the same.
Well, I'm not coughing up blood anymore. That's always jolly. I'm up an about in a limited sort of way. tra-la-la.
Hey- is Futuere deponent? I've seen it as both. I've never bothered with it much, figuring that one needn't attend to the niceties of grammar when using the most vulgar vocabulary.
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