Sep 09, 2004 22:31
okay, well, not really. But I'm on mondo antibiotics to prevent just such a thing. You should have seen the dr.s face when he learned I had been just waiting for my infection to go away for over two weeks. He cultured it to make sure that the antibiotic rxd would work. I envisioned him scampering off to write me up in a journal or something. Anyway, my back has healed, but now I have a cold and beseiged kidneys. I didn't feel sick until I got home from the dr's office, I swear.
That darn "keeping in mind the concept of kitsch, paint a still life using complimentary colors" assignment turned out *okay,* but I have to put it in a show. GRRR! It'll adversely effect my grade if I decline to participate, apparently, even tho I don't want random people assuming anything about me or my body of work based on this disturbing piece depicting an oldster with wonderbread.
So this weekend I'll be working my a** off making work for crits and making up for the lost time last weekend, the weekend of bicycle woes. Did I mention that my new painting assignment is stupid, too?