Third-year boys, why so cute?

Nov 29, 2009 23:25

So I was teaching the third-year classes how to use 'that' in sentences (e.g. the food that I like the best is etc...). All the students had a work sheet with 10 questions composed in that way, and they had to fill in their answers. The last question was blank so the students can create their own sentence using 'that'.

After the class I was marking their worksheet when I saw that one boy had, for every single question, answered in katakana like such:

Q: The food that you like the best is?
A: チーキン (chicken)

Q: The most important thing that you have is?
A: マーニ (money)

I got pretty irritated when I saw this, until I saw the last question, where you could make up your own sentence, and saw that he had written in perfect English:

'The woman that I love the most is (my name)'

It was both cute and frustrating as clearly he can do those questions, but just chose to be annoying on purpose. Or he got one of his friends to write it for him, which is also highly likely. He's one of third-year boys who likes to think of himself as bit of a bad-ass, spiking up his hair, never tucking in his shirt, and wearing his trousers really low. He is very reluctant about speaking English, and will not answer when I ask 'How are you?', yet will shout in English, 'Ooh, Sensei wearing pink today? Sexy colour!' when I see him outside of class.
Well, I'm certainly charmed by his behavior, but I do wish he would direct his efforts to classwork instead.


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