Title: Backwards and in High Heels
authors: elspethdixon & seanchai
Gift For:
lupus_dragonRating: G to PG
Pairings/Characters: Carol, Wanda, assorted other Avengers in the background.
Labels/Warnings: All fluff, no plot.
A/N: Set at an indeterminate point in late Volume 3, post when the chaos entity possesses Wanda but pre-Red Zone.
Written for the
chamberofschills prompt "Avengers; fluff; femslash Carol/Wanda: Carol hates magic, even her teammate's magic. However, even she has to admit that magic can come in handy sometimes. Real witches, magic spells, and Carol admitting her feelings for Wanda."
Summary: Carol and Wanda dance at the Avengers Halloween party. There, um, aren’t actually any witches or spells, really, but there is admitting of feelings.
Backwards and in High Heels)