I wish I could do a better movie trailer voice impression

May 14, 2009 00:08

1 movie left to guess on the IMDB keyword meme.

On the technology front, is anyone else on my f-list a mac user? I find myself desirous of an m4a to mp3 converter that'll work on a mac.

But what I really wanted to do was give in and make a completely useless post that I've been wanting to do for a little while now. You have now been warned of the (lack of) content that lurks behind the cut.

So, at some point on Saturday my brain entered full-out Bourne mode. It hasn't quit. This has had a few results, from a drabble for DDD to poking around on Youtube to actually watching a few dvd extras that aren't deleted scenes.

I am not certain whether it is hilarious or sad that I can find several representative scenes from Michael Clayton, and entire Disney movies on Youtube, but cannot find an actual scene from any Bourne movie that is not a fight or chase. I mean, I love the fights and the car chases too, they're excellent pieces of work, but those are really not why I love the movies! Is it Universal being bastards, or just that no one wants to upload things like Bourne and Marie talking? ...I really want it to be the first. I'd like to think that the lack of the scene between Bourne and Clive Owen's character from Identity indicates that it's Universal clamping down on stuff, that's something you'd think would get uploaded.

In any case, what is on Youtube leads down two interesting paths. First, the hilarity of movie trailers. Second, I am kind of disappointed with certain people who are fans of these movies.

Movie trailers are marvelous pieces of misinformation that still somehow usually manage to convey what kind of experience you're in for if you see the movie. Trailers splice things so that they're completely out of context, usually for maximum tension. Just look at Frost/Nixon, the trailer for that made it look like Nixon wasn't expecting questions on Watergate during the interviews, which is a total lie. And of course, with many trailers (especially for action movies) you get the insanely overdramatic voice overs ("But his past never stopped looking for him"), or at least melodramatic text ("His identity ERASED"). Really, why do we see anything that has that melodramatic trailer stuff? The movies may be good, but god, the voiceovers are really just hilarious. Especially, I feel, after you've seen the movie.
But anyway, the Bourne movies, I notice, take misleading trailers to a whole new level. Because they have this terrible tendency to include stuff that ends up cut from the movie. Some of which doesn't even show up in the deleted scenes. Really. It amuses me greatly. I agree with the cut decisions, for the most part (and especially with some things that seem to have been changed in Ultimatum). But come on, Universal, couldn't you stand to wait a little longer to make the trailers so that they'd be a bit closer to the actual movies they're advertising? A little fail there.

But on that other aspect of Youtube, fanmade videos. You know, one of the reasons I don't usually get involved in fandoms is because people often decide to just do what they want with the material (see: shipping people who would make no sense together within the series). I get really disappointed when people seem to ignore something about the work which I found particularly appealing or important. Therefore, Bourne to emo music? Upsets me. It's just wrong! One of, if not the best, things about Bourne is his ability to accept terrible things and then move on. Don't know who you are or why people are trying to kill you? Well, you can have a moment or two of frustration, but then just focus on figuring it out. The CIA still screwing everyone over? Go right to the source and stop them. Yes, he has his moments of brooding. But I would say it tends to be kind of justified, since it's at times like, "Dammit I just killed someone. Out of self-defense, but I do not want to be killing people! I've done too much of that!" Bourne is not emo! He is very practical! Please do not make him into a less complex and capable character type.

Also- you people setting fight scenes from the second two movies to music, I see what you did there, disregarding one of Greengrass' greatest strengths as a director. >| (Someday, at a point where I've actually watched all three movies in a fairly short time span, I will write about how I believe the trilogy gets more unconventional as it goes on. Greengrass' fight scenes are an important part of that.)

...At least there seem to be a decent amount of Jason/Marie videos. Canon couples, I appreciate them.

Poking around in a very different area led me to an important discovery. Namely, that my Bourne Identity dvd has an interview with Tony Gilroy! How did I not notice this before. It's not really in-depth or anything, but it made me happy. He talked about how "Yeah, I like the book, but I ended up writing something completely different..." Also, he was apparently not too sure about the casting of Damon, but was completely won over in the end.
...Like I said, not much content there, but little content with Tony Gilroy. Which makes it worthwhile in my book.

And from some other extras, I can say that Franka Potente is awesome, I had no idea that Brian Cox is Scottish, and I love how much everybody else seems to admire Joan Allen.

...You know, I should really focus on my actual life more. The length of this post attests to that.

movies, bourne, technology, just shut up orlando, should i just make a gilroy tag?

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